Cine-concert Dracula's Death | TIFF

Cine-concert Dracula's Death

24.04.2024 14:22
Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 - 18:00
Cinema Arta

Creative producer: Róbert Lakatos

Directors: Attila Gödri, Gyopár Buzási, Flóra Kovács, Szabolcs Benedek, Orsolya Orbán, Boglárka Farkas, Nóra Miklós, Zsófia Makkai

Actors: Tibor Pálffy, Enikő Molnár, Lehel Salat, Áron Dimény, Lóránd Váta, Ervin Szűcs.

Directors of photography: Endre Dózsa, Ádám Török, Balázs Rokaly, Balázs Bodor, Gergő Jancsik, Csaba Dénes

Main Editor: Alexandru Böjthe

Coreographer: Ferenc Sinkó

Original music & live performance: Miquèu Montanaro

Muzicieni: Miquèu Montanaro, Baltazar Montanaro, Sebille Christian, Ádám Móser, Renáta Gyárfás, Sára Domahildi, Lilla Unger, Kamilla Kasabian, Andrea László, Nóra Krokovay, Attila Kis, Csaba Cserey.

Program co-founded by the European Union -  Erasmus

Dracula’s Death / Moartea lui Dracula, r.  Károly Lajthay, Austria, 1921

Dracula’s Death is said to be the world's first film about the character created by Bram Stoker. It was produced in Budapest in 1921 and has Michael Curtiz as co-screenwriter, who before moving to Hollywood and winning an Oscar for Casablanca, began his career in Cluj-Napoca. Since 2018, students from the media department of Sapientia University in Cluj have participated in a series of film workshops on celluloid, with the ultimate goal of making a remake of "About the Death of Dracula", which was entirely lost in the 1940s.

Director Lakatos Róbert Árpád, the project coordinator, says that the starting point for the screenplay was a novel presumed to have been the basis for the original film. The music for this cine-concert was composed by French composer Miquèu Montanaro and will be performed by 12 instrumentalists.

The cine-concert Dracula's Death is produced by the Hungarian Filmmakers Association of Transylvania and Sapientia University.