Andrada Balea

Date of birth: 17.01.1995
Andrada Balea graduated from the university of law and social sciences – sociology section and did her BA in acting at the faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca. She is currently studying in the master’s degree programme at the same University.
In the meantime, she is an actress at the independent theatre Reactor of creation and experiment, where she performs in shows such as Part 1. Iubirea, script by Petro Ionescu and Cosmin Stănila, directed by Petro Ionescu; Habituare by Ioana Hogman, directed by Raul Coldea; Sub apă by Ioana Toloargă, directed by Olivia Grecea; Gliese 445 by Raul Coldea, directed Raul Coldea, co-produced by Andrei Mureșanu Theatre.