Csilla Albert

Born on September 19, 1980.
In 2003, Csilla Albert graduated Theatre Acting at the Faculty of Philology, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
She is a member of the Hungarian State Theatre in Cluj-Napoca, where she played in performances staged by Silviu Purcărete, Andrei Şerban, Robert Woodruff, Gábor Tompa, Alexandru Dabija, Dragoș Galgoțiu, MihaiMăniuţiu, Michal Dočekal, AndrásUrbán, Alain Timar, Hatházi András, David Zinder among others.
In 2014, she was nominated at the UNITER Romanian Theatre Union Awards, Best Actress in a Supporting Role category, for playing Esther in “Victor sau copiii la putere” written by Roger Vitrac and staged by Silviu Purcărete.
In 2015, she was awarded the Poór Lili Award by EMKE, the Hungarian Cultural Society of Transylvania.
She played in two short films: “Tetemrehívás” / The Call directed by HatháziAndrás, Duna Műhely and “Bisztrókirálynő” / The Bistro Queen directed by Csillag Márton and Duna Műhely.