Faculty of Theater - Babeş-Bolyai University - Cluj-Napoca
Actress and presenter of the show From the life of the Roma on Naţional TV. Since 2014 she is the co-founder of the Giuvlipen Theater Company where she plays in the shows Gadjo Dildo, Who Killed Szomna Grancsa ?, Blue Orange, Urban Body and Kali Traś - the first show in Romania about the Roma Holocaust in co-production with the Theater State Jew, directed by Mihai Lukacs. In 2018 it is part of the Romanian-French production Dezrădăcinaţi directed by Bogdan Zamfir, presented in Paris during the Romania-France 2019 season.
Over her 15-year career, Zita has been actively involved in the Rroma feminist and anti-racist movement, working as a theater trainer in Roma communities and in various Roma rights campaigns. She is currently working on a new concept about Rroma theater.