

Despite their broad audience appeal, genre projects are still too few and far between in Romanian cinema. Starting 2021, The Full Moon Script Contest intends to foment the development of such scripts, providing writers with visibility and with opportunities to meet partners and take steps towards potential productions.
TIFF has always held a special place for genre cinema in sections like No Limit, Shadows, or Midnight Delirium; the TIFF team is also behind the Full Moon Horror & Fantasy Film Festival in Biertan, which has grown a faithful audience in its nine years of existence.
Both experienced and first time Romania-based writers over the age of 18 were able to participate in the Full Moon Script Contest 2022 with Romanian-language scripts falling into one of four genres: horror, fantasy, thriller, or black comedy. 
The Full Moon Script Contest 2022 made up of 3 film industry specialists – director Paul Negoescu, producer Carla Fotea and actor/writer Iulian Postelnicu selected the winning project out of the 36 applications received.