Bogdan Simion and Lăutarii de mătase Concert

Bilete aici

Saturday, June 22, 6:00 PM - Art Museum

Concert presented by Vodafone România - free entry

The traditional music player Simion Bogdan-Mihai comes from a family of artists, where his grandmother played the voice and his father the violin. He started studying the cobza at 15 and by 16 was already travelling around Romania collecting lute songs and learning from the few remaining cobza players. Since 2017, he has performed numerous concerts of lute music with the "Lăutarii de Mătase" (Silk Lute Players). He also worked on the soundtrack of the documentaries "Flavours of Romania" and "Wild Carpathia" made by British journalist Charlie Ottley.

His music has three general directions: a vein of Romanian peasant music, one of urban lute music and one of generic Romanian pop music (waltzes, tangos and cabaret songs from the beginning of the 20th century until after the Second World War).