Concert Blue Velvet | TIFF

Concert Blue Velvet

24.05.2019 17:28
Ticket Price: 
Intrare liberă
Event Date: 
Saturday, 8 June, 2019 - 20:30

Mixing emotions, intrigue and poetry, then adding some alternative sounds and trip-hop influences made in Cluj, Blue Velvet band creates a magic experience, ready to surprise you on Saturday, 8th of June, at Casa TIFF. Blue Velvet was born in 2016, but starting with 2018, the songs’ structure, the lyrics and the sound were completely changed, their style becoming deeper and more electric.

The lead singer’s voice, as well as her stage presence and the solo guitar are the band’s signature. If you ever listen to Portishead or Hooverphonic, you will recognize this music style in some of their songs.

Already known for their local performances at some music festivals as Jazz in the Park, Jazz in the Street and other events, recently the band released  a brand new music clip made for În Vis. Their first EP will be available soon, but in the meantime, you are invited to discover Blue Velvet’s music LIVE, at TIFF. the Entrance is free!