Romanian Days Award for Feature Film Romanian Days Award for Feature Film A fost sau n-a fost?Corneliu Porumboiu
The Let’s Go Digital! Award for the best film produced in the LGD! workshop Question & QuestionAdela Giurgiu, Vlad Cideriu, Radu TigănaşRomania
HBO Award for the Best Feature Screenplay in the National Screenwriting Competition organized by HBO Romania in partnership with Transilvania IFF Să iubeşti şi să tragi apaDan MihuRomania
HBO Award for the Best Short Film Screenplay in the National Screenwriting Competition organized by HBO Romania in partnership with Transilvania IFF Trenul către Bucureşti pleacă de la linia 3Augustin CupşaRomania
Re:publik Award for the Best Film in the Shadows Shorts competition La canción de Fémerlin / Cântecul lui FemerlinManuel PenaSpain