Masterclass Adrian Enescu & Vasile Șirli

05.06.2013 15:43

Thursday, June 6th, at 12 in Napoca 15 Mansard. Free entrance.


Adrian Enescu is one of the most famous Romanian musicians and composers, author of the soundrack of 65 Romanian and European films. He is one of the pioneers of Romanian electronic music, having started in the 1970s. He graduated from "Ciprian Porumbescu" Romanian Conservatory in Bucharest, was a student of the Electronic Music Facutly of the Stanford University (California) and is a member of the Composers and Musicians Union in Romania.

He has worked with directors like Dan Piţa, Sergiu Nicolaescu, Mircea Veroiu, Dinu Tănase, Radu Gabrea and others. Tănase Scatiu, Bietul Ioanide, the Ardelenii trilogy (17 million tickets sold), Ciuleandra, Să mori rănit din dragoste de viaţă, Ringul (3 million tickets sold in 1984), Faleze de nisip, Pas în doi, Concurs, Mircea, Adela, Hotel de lux (awarded with the Silver Lion for director Dan Dan Piţa at the Venice Film Festival in 1992) are just a few of the films for which Adrian Enescu composed the original soundrack.

He composed theatre and ballet music for well-known companies in Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Japan, China or Australia, as well as Romanian opera and theatre shows, directed among others by Alexandru Darie (Orfeu and Euridice, Anatomie. Titus. Căderea Romei, Triumful dragostei etc.) and Alexander Hausvater.

In recent years, he has been writing electronic-acoustic music, jazz-big band and symphonic music.


Composer and musical producer Vasile Șirli started his music studies at the Music and Art High-school in Timisoara, then continued them at the "Ciprian Porumbescu" Conservatory in Bucharest.

Șirli's talent and reliability during his student years lead him to become an editor at the Musical Publishing house where he worked until 1980. Between 1980 and 1984 he was artistic director of Electrecord record company. In 1977 he was appointed intern in the Musician and Composers' Union in Romania, and later on he became a permanent member.

In 1986 he moved to France, where, in 1990, he became the Musical Director of Disneyland Paris.

After 1989, Vasile Șirli returned to Romania several times and worked on several theatre performances. His collaborations include Silviu Purcarete's shows. Vasile Sirli's work includes music for film, theatre, instrumental and didactical music.