24 years in 24 expressions of solitude

Mirona Radu
2 – 9 June 2013. Opening: June 2, 12:00
Art Museum in Cluj

Exhibition Concept

We need solitude, as we need moments of meditation that can turn us back to our inner selves, in order to discover our reason to be.

If sometimes it is hard in my searches, I sit somewhere alone, in peace. And if I feel I cannot find my place there, I think of love and I think of you all. And if someone of you comes to me and tells me that he does not find peace, and that solitude turns him insane, I can only say with all my love: Friend, open the window! Each prison has its window to be opened.

This exhibition is a kind request to stop the race and to meditate, to hear the song of the images and to let emotion overwhelm us.


In such a crazy world, daily life forces us to be in a continue race from morning until evening. Days are repeating in the same way. We live frenetic, possessed of excitement that makes us feel apparently alive.

There is only one way we could see around us and could think: isolating us, taking distance from the world and from the people.

Turning me back to my inner self, I could see clearly what actually it happens beyond me and I could make something to be truly alive. I could appreciate the beauty of life, the beauty of people, and I could let myself touched by this beauty.

Solitude in this case is positive, creative and purifier. Solitude is a choice and not a consequence. For an artist, solitude is a condition to be, it is a way of living and ... a joy. – Mirona Radu