3x3 presents Eyal Sivan

03.06.2013 19:08

The Israeli director will be present for the screening of „The Specialist” (1999), a controversial film about the „banality of evil”, edited from the existing footage from the trial of Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann.

The screening will take place on Tuesday, beginning with 20:00, at Florin Piersic Cinema.

A well known critic of Israle politics, Eyal Sivan realised strong powerful documentaries in which he explores the consequences of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. TIFF audience will have the oportunity to watch The Specialist (1999), I Love You All (2004), edited from archive footage about the methods used by the former Eastern German security police and Jaffa, the Orange's Clockwork (2009), a documentary about a brand lost in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict - the Jaffa orange.

Director Eyal Sivan will atend the screenings of his documentaries.