Deux de la Vague: special screening and book release

31.05.2010 03:00

Starting 5PM, the screening of the touching documentary Deux de la Vague, depicting Francois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard's love-hate relationship, will be preceded by the official presentation of acclaimed Romanian film critic Magda Mihailescu's volume, Francois Truffaut, bărbatul care iubea filmele (lit. Francois Truffaut, the Man Who Loved Films). Released in 2009 and awarded  with a Romanian Filmmakers' Association Award in 2010, Magda Mmihailescu's volume was described by Alex Leo Serban as the best cinema volume ever written in Romanian.

Besides the essays reflecting Francois Truffaut's films and evolution as a cult filmmaker, the volume  also contains exclusive interviews with various iconic figures of the European and American film industry who have worked close and known Francois Truffaut.