Final call for entries for Transilvania IFF 2011!

02.02.2011 02:00

The call for entry for first or second time directors' feature films, produced after January 1st, 2009 and eligible for the Transilvania IFF Official Competition and for horror and fantasy shorts no longer than 20 minutes and produced after January 1st, 2009, eligible for the Shadows Shorts competition, is open online until February 15th (mail date).

Awards are offered for Best Film (Transilvania Trophy), Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Actor. The Jury also hands out a Special Jury Award, and the most popular film in the comeptition gets the Audience Award. The best horror & fantasy short gets the Best Shadows Short Award.

The DVDs must be sent in sealed envelopes via courier or regular mail, on the address of the Romanian Film Promotion Association, mentioning the section the title is competing for (Official Competition / Shadows Shorts).

Take a look at the complete festival regulations here.

To proceed with the entry procedure, please click here.