Cătălin Ștefan Mîndru

Date of birth: December 18th, 1979
He fell in love with the stage in Iași, at the Ludic Student’s Theatre, while studying at the Faculty of Economics and Finances. He decided to make a change and moved to Târgu Mureș where he graduated at the University of Arts in Târgu Mureș, in 2008. He worked as an actor at Theatre 74, The National Theatre Târgu Mureș, Liviu Rebreanu Company, and Ariel Theatre. At the Theatre 74 he performed in shows directed by Cristian Theodor Popescu, Cristi Juncu, Adrian Iclenzan, Ovidiu Caița, Radu Afrim. 2011 he returns to Iasi, where he co-founded FiX Theatre, performing in shows directed by Adrian Iclenzan, Cristian Theodor Popescu, Ovidiu Caița, Mihai Pintilei. He met Radu Afrim again and worked together with him for a Mid Summer’s Dream on the stage of Vasile Alecsandri National Theater.
Starting 2016 he works for Matei Vișniec Theatre in Suceava. Among many productions, he appears in Münchausen, directed by Ovidiu Caița, Back home directed by Botond Nagy, Slaves directed by, Cats directed by Bobo Burlăcianu, A stormy night directed by Mădălin Hâncu.
In Suceava he works along UnConceptLuna association for the projects Teatrul la curte, Teatrul la căminul cu bunici, Spectacolul lecturii – Lectura ca spectacol, and together they made the productions: Cum am mâncat un câine and Eden.
He appeared in film productions like Profesioniștii (by Tudor Botezatu) and Oameni de treabă (by Paul Negoescu).