Christine Cizmaș

Date of birth: April 22nd, 1978
When she was 15, she decided to enrol in the Thespis Student’s Theatre Timisoara, coordinated by Diogene Bihoi. After 10 years there, together with a few colleagues, she created a theatre company, AUĂLEU Garage and Yard Theatre, in 2005. During that time, she also studied at the Theatre University, the German section. She collaborated with the German Theatre of Timisoara for four years.
In the 18 years of existence of AUĂLEU, Christine performed, wrote, sang, managed, cleaned, table served, lived, suffered, worked, and enjoyed every choice she took when she was younger. She’s a free spirit, both in life and at work. She allowed herself to dream. Among other things, she performed in Libertatis captivantus est, Spălătorul de creier, Circus mundi, Ferma animalelor, Grand Hostel Timișoara.
She always performed no matter how many people were in the auditorium. She performed in empty houses, tents, on streets, at weddings, public squares, under bridges and on important stages. She won prizes, refused some, and this year together with her team AUĂLEU, she receives the Special Prize for Resistance and Creativity done for the Independent Theatre, from UNITER.
She speaks 4 languages, has 3 pets, dances tango and together with Ioana Bugarin she presented the Opening of Timisoara European Capital of Culture 2023.
She hasn’t got much experience in film. Her lucky number is 22 and now she’s coming to the 22nd edition of TIFF.