Stories about people and the environment at EcoTIFF

25.05.2016 12:38

On June 5, during the World Environment Day.

Within EcoTIFF, on June 5, the World Environment Day, the audience is invited to see ecology themed films. One of the films selected this year is Human (r. Yann Arthus-Bertrand), released simultaneously at the United Nations Headquarters, in Venice and on Youtube. The documentary was 3 years in the making, it boasts interviews with 2,000 people from 60 countries, and will be presented at Cinema Piersic, from 17:00.

Human brings together images of people from all the cultures and tribes of the world, to find an answer to the question "what it means to be human?". From 19:30, at City Julius 3, The Olive Tree will thrill audiences with the story of an old tree that can save the life of the old man who took care of it.