Call for entries Transilvania IFF 2017

01.11.2016 12:18

Submissions are now open for the 16th edition of Translvania International Film Festival, which will take place between June 2-11, 2017, in the city of Cluj, Romania.

The registration system works through the platform The guidelines and the entry online form can be found here:

Regulations can also be checked here: 

Please note that when submitting a film, you have the following options:

  • If you have the film on Vimeo or other video platforms, please insert in the form the link with a username & password
  • Send it via DVD to our offices: 52 Popa Soare Street, 1st floor, ap. 4, 2nd district, Bucharest, Romania | Tel/fax: +40 21 326 02 68 / +40 21 326 64 80 • E-mail: [email protected].

We are accepting entries for the following sections:

Official competition
Competitive section focused on films that are illustrative of the new wave in international cinema. The competition is open to first and second feature films only and must be national premieres.

Showcase of genre (horror and fantasy) feature films and competitive section focused on horror and fantasy short films with a maximum duration of 25 minutes.

What's Up, Doc?
Non-competitive section presenting documentaries produced in the past two years, with a minimum duration of 60 minutes.

Romanian Days
Competitive section focused on Romanian short and feature films produced between 2016 and 2017 and on Romanian cinema retrospectives. The feature films submitted for the Romanian Days competition must be presented as national premieres. 

Important: Please note that, for each section, we highly favor the national premieres in the selection process.

February 1, 2017 – for films submitted for the Official Competition, the Shadows section (both short and feature films) and What’s Up, Doc?
March 1, 2017 – for films submitted in the Romanian Days short and feature films competitions

The official selection will be announced before April 30, 2017.

For any inquiries, please contact us: [email protected] |  +40 21 326 02 68.