Amadeus LIVE at TIFF.24: A Spectacular Fusion of Film and Mozart’s Music

12.03.2025 18:24

The 24th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival (June 13–22, 2025, Cluj-Napoca) will host a one-time only event that blends film and music: Amadeus LIVE. After performances at the New York Philharmonic and Royal Albert Hall London, the film Amadeus (dir. Miloš Forman, 1984), depicting the life and work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, will be screened at TIFF. The film’s soundtrack will be performed live by the Cluj-Napoca National Opera Orchestra, conducted by Dutch maestro Ernst van Tiel, with the extraordinary participation of the Madrigal – Marin Constantin National Chamber Choir, principal conductor Anna Ungureanu.

Marking the 40th anniversary of the film’s release, the event will take place on Sunday, June 22, at 6:00 PM at BT Arena.

Tickets are available online at and

A Triumph of Cinema and Mozart’s Music

"For those who have seen the film before, Amadeus Live is a wonderful way to experience it. For those watching it for the first time – what a delight!" – Broadway World

Cea de-a 24-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film Transilvania (13 – 22 iunie 2025, Cluj-Napoca) va fi gazda unui eveniment care reunește filmul și muzica într-o experiență unică: Amadeus LIVE. După reprezentații la New York Philharmonic și la Royal Albert Hall Londra, filmul Amadeus (r. Miloš Forman, 1984) despre viața și opera lui Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart va fi proiectat la TIFF, iar coloana sonoră va fi asigurată de Orchestra Operei Naționale Cluj-Napoca sub conducerea dirijorului olandez Ernst van Tiel cu participarea extraordinară a Corului Național de Cameră „Madrigal – Marin Constantin”, dirijor Anna Ungureanu. Evenimentul, care marchează și 40 de ani de la lansarea filmului, va avea loc duminică, 22 iunie, începând cu ora 18:00, la BT Arena.

Câștigător al 8 premii Oscar, inclusiv pentru Cel mai bun film și pentru  Cel mai bun actor în rol principal (F. Murray Abraham), Amadeus (1984) este o incursiune grandioasă în înalta societate austriacă, dar și în viața și mintea unuia dintre cei mai importanți compozitori ai istoriei. Povestea este spusă din perspectiva lui Antonio Salieri (interpretat de F. Murray Abraham), compozitorul oficial al curții împăratului Iosif al II-lea al Austriei, deopotrivă fascinat și scandalizat de genialul Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Tom Hulce). Salieri recunoaște atât talentul divin al lui Mozart, cât și propria incapacitate de a-l egala, ceea ce îl face să devină obsedat de distrugerea tânărului compozitor. Pe măsură ce Mozart își compune capodoperele, Salieri conspiră în umbră pentru a-i sabota cariera.

Winner of 8 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor in a Leading Role (F. Murray Abraham), Amadeus (1984) is a grand journey into Austrian high society and the life and mind of one of history’s greatest composers. The story is told from the perspective of Antonio Salieri (F. Murray Abraham), the court composer for Emperor Joseph II of Austria. Fascinated yet scandalized by the genius of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Tom Hulce), Salieri recognizes Mozart’s divine talent but also his own inability to match it. This realization drives him into a dangerous obsession to destroy the young composer. As Mozart composes his masterpieces, Salieri schemes in the shadows to sabotage his career.

The film’s extraordinary soundtrack, based on Mozart’s music, will be performed live by the Cluj-Napoca National Opera Orchestra, conducted by Ernst van Tiel. Known for his versatility and mastery in both classical music and film scores, van Tiel has collaborated with orchestras such as Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2011, he conducted the Brussels Philharmonic for the Academy Award-winning soundtrack of The Artist, composed by Ludovic Bource. A specialist in film concerts with live orchestras, van Tiel has also conducted cine-concerts for Star Wars, Vertigo, and the Harry Potter series.

This impressive artistic performance will be further enriched by the extraordinary participation of the Madrigal – Marin Constantin National Chamber Choir, one of the world’s most renowned choral ensembles. Founded in 1963, the Madrigal Choir is a symbol of choral artistry, known for its distinctive sound, refined performances, and Renaissance-style costumes. Under the leadership of principal conductor Anna Ungureanu and manager Emil Pantelimon, the choir continues its tradition of musical excellence and promotes education through music, serving as a cultural ambassador for Romania.

The film will be screened with English and Romanian Subtitles.

Amadeus LIVE is produced by Avex Classics International.

The film Amadeus is licensed by The Saul Zaentz Company.

Local Film Rating: AG

Amadeus LIVE at TIFF.24 is made possible with the support of Vodafone Romania and DeLonghi Romania.

Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, BT Arena, Madrigal – Marin Constantin National Chamber Choir



Un triumf al cinematografiei și al muzicii lui Mozart


„Pentru toți cei care au mai văzut filmul, Amadeus Live este un mod minunat de a-l experimenta. Pentru cei care îl văd pentru prima dată – ce plăcere!” Broadway World