
Transilvania Film Festival Fund (TFFF) 

Transilvania Film Festival Fund (TFFF) is an initiative of Transilvania International Film Festival, which aims to discover and support new talents and new voices who express themselves through the cinematic language, using fictional or documentary tools.

TFFF will support the development and production in the Romanian region of Transilvania (the following Romanian counties are eligible: Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Mureș, Sălaj and Sibiu) of up to three short movies and/or documentaries by offering a grant in cash and creative, marketing and distribution support in the last phase of production.

Who can apply?

Any Romanian filmmaker:
1. with a project suitable to be shot in the region of Transilvania
2. resident of the region of Transilvania
3.  who will have residents of the region as members of his team in key positions (director of photography, actors, production designers etc)

Transylvania eligible counties:  Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Mureș, Sălaj și Sibiu.

All submission requirements have to be fulfilled.

How does Transilvania Film Festival Fund work?

Transilvania International Film Festival will decide and will make public the yearly quantum of TFFF. The maximum amount offered per project is 3.000 euro in cash or services.

The Transilvania Film Festival Fund will appoint a board of three national experts who will decide, following the selection stage, the winners of the grants.

The board of experts will be made public prior to the beginning of the Transilvania Film Festival.

There will be up to three projects selected. The selection board reserves the right to grant one more award in special circumstances.

The winners will be invited to attend Romanian Days during Transilvania International Film Festival.

The winners will be announced during the Transilvania Pitch Stop event and all participating projects will be included in Transilvania Pitch Stop booklet.

50% of the grant in cash will be made available for the selected filmmakers after the signing of the grant agreement. 50% of the grant when film is delivered and eligibility criteria are fulfilled together with a cost report.

During the last period of production, TIFF will provide creative, marketing and distribution support in order to help filmmakers have a better visibility of their movie and increase the possibility of reaching the desired audience.

Transilvania International Film Festival reserves the right of first domestic screening of each project supported with a TFFF grant.

Transilvania International Film Festival reserves the right of first option in case of Romanian distribution for each and any project supported with a TFFF grant.

In the end credits sequence of each movie, filmmakers are required to mention “with the support of Transilvania International Film Festival Fund” accompanied by the official logo.

What is the application procedure/when is the deadline?

All submissions must be received by May 15th, 2014.
By then, we need to receive the complete application package.

The complete application process takes place online - NO hard copies.

Official language - Romanian.

1. Complete application form
- Team members available at the time of the application
- Synopsis of one page
- Director’s Note
- Bio-filmography of the director
- Previous work of the director (short or feature film Vimeo link with password or similar) if available
- The amount of money asked from TFFF.

2. Attached to the mail together with the Application Form:
- Treatment (in case of documentaries) mandatory
- Full script in Romanian (mandatory for short film) mandatory
- In case of scripts based not on an original script, proof of securing the screen rights for the work will be required.
- Any other visual references related to the style of the film (location photos, mood promos, casting etc)
- Bio-filmography of the producer (if any producer attached)
- Estimated production budget (top-sheet/general page with all categories estimated costs)
- Estimated production timeline

In the case of short films, the recommended duration of eligible productions is up to 30 minutes (credits included).
In order to submit your application and the required material, you need to create an account on, following THIS LINK.

For inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Alex Trăilă, industry consultant