Romanian Film Days at Transilvania IFF 2023: Showcasing the latest and finest in Romanian Cinema

16.05.2024 10:31

The selection for the Romanian Days at Transilvania International Film Festival 23rd edition highlights the latest and most relevant cinematic productions. This year's lineup includes 12 feature films and 10 short films competing for the three awards of the competition – Best Feature Film, Best Debut, and Best Short Film. The selection also features previously awarded Romanian films and hosts world premieres.

Andrei Cohn's Holy Week, with its world premiere earlier this year in the Forum section at the Berlinale, draws inspiration from the Romanian writer  I.L. Caragiale and uses his novella 'An Easter Torch,' as the basis of the screenplay. The film delves into themes of racism and antisemitism, portraying a poignant narrative rooted in literary heritage.

Known for documentaries like The Network, The Trial, and Hai, Romania!,  Claudiu Mitcu makes his fiction debut with Rusalka. The story follows five friends all over 60 as they revisit the seaside resort of their adolescence. Rusalka is set for a world premiere, featuring notable performances by Maia Morgenstern and Rodica Lazăr.

Six years following his feature debut with Charleston, Andrei Crețulescu returns to Transilvania IFF with Ext. Car. Night, world premiere. The bloody thriller combines elements of Romanian youth adventures in "Cireșarii" with the suspense of "The Twilight Zone." Crețulescu himself notes that the film is an enigma best experienced fresh: "If you already know what it's about, there's no point in watching it."

Ana-Maria Comănescu is present at the Romanian Film Days with two significant entries. She introduces a new short film in competition alongside Horia, her debut feature film. Horia tells the heartfelt story of a teenager who traverses the country on a motorcycle to meet his beloved.  Where Elephants Go, directed by Cătălin Rotaru and Gabi Virginia Șarga, stands out as the sole Romanian film in the Official Competition at Transilvania IFF 2023. This poignant film explores the extraordinary friendship between a 9-year-old girl battling a severe illness and a bewildered young man.

Maia - Portrait with Hands is a profoundly personal film by director Alexandra Gulea, which utilizes archival footage, interviews, performances, and fictionalized elements to reconstruct the life of her grandmother, after whom she is named. This unique film provides a deep dive into her grandmother's experiences and legacy. Additionally, Isabela Tent's documentary Alice On & Off delivers an intimate, decade-long portrayal of Alice, a young woman who, at 16, has a child with a man 35 years her senior but later decides to part ways with both her partner and child.

Family discussions on sexual orientation or gender identity can quickly shift from tragic to comic tones, as proved in Family Weekend, directed by Mihnea Toma. Also premiering globally is Night Butterflies, directed by Andrei Răuțu. The film follows a director obsessed with the local pop star Marina Voica leading him to question himself while he follows the singer’s every move.

Directed by Ilinca Călugăreanu ("Chuck Norris vs. Communism"), A Cautionary Tale presents a Kafkaesque narrative where a man tries to prove to the system that he is alive. In Dismissed (dir. George ve Gänæaard, Horia Cucută), an investigative journalist researches a corporation suspected of covering up a fire that led to an employee's death, only to uncover a suspect artificial intelligence system and a tangled tale of religious conversion.

Outside the competition, The Moromete Family: Life as Prey directed Stere Gulea will be screened, concluding the trilogy based on the novels by Marin Preda. Also premiering globally, Family Footage a documentary directed by Dan Curean. The film uncovers  hidden gems on forgotten film reels discovered in the attic of an old house in Cluj-Napoca.

Emanuel Pârvu's third feature film, Three Kilometers to the End of the World, makes its Romanian debut at Transilvania IFF following its premiere in the Official Competition at Cannes. The film centers on Adi, portrayed by newcomer Ciprian Chiujdea, a teenager who grapples with the revelation of a harsh truth that shakes his belief in his parents' unconditional love.

Alexandru Badea’s documentary Magnificent Sky offers an insightful portrait of Romanian avant-garde composers Iancu Dumitrescu and Ana-Maria Avram. Meanwhile Between Silence and Sin directed by Diana Nicolae delves into the life of poet Ana Blandiana and highlights the power of her words as a form of resistance against an oppressive regime.

Transilvania IFF also revisits some standout films, including Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (dir. Radu Jude), Romania's Oscar entry. Also featured is Nasty (dir. Tudor Giurgiu, Tudor D. Popescu, Cristian Pascariu), a documentary chronicling the life and career of tennis legend Ilie Năstase, or Warboy directed by Marian Crișan, a blend of road movie and  Western set in 1944.

This year's short film competition selection features 10 titles, while another 10 will be screened outside of competition.

Romanian Days are presented at TIFF with the support of The Romanian Cultural Institute, Banca Transilvania, Groupama, Jidvei


Romanian Film Days


Family Weekend, dir. Mihnea Toma – world premiere
Night Butterflies, dir. Andrei Răuțu – world premiere
Alice On & Off, dir. Isabela Tent
Rusalka, dir. Claudiu Mitcu – world premiere
Horia, dir. Ana-Maria Comănescu
A Cautionary Tale, dir. Ilinca Călugăreanu
Maia - Portrait with Hands, dir. Alexandra Gulea
Where Elephants Go, dir. Cătălin Rotaru, Gabi Șarga
Ext. Car. Night, dir. Andrei Crețulescu – world premiere
Holy week, dir. Andrei Cohn
Dismissed, dir. George ve Gänæaard, Horia Cucută – world premiere


Short films

99,999%, dir. Roberta Șerban

Cat Funeral, dir. Ana-Maria Comănescu

Eugen, Antonia's Friend, dir. Vlăduț Iosef

FuckYouLoveYou, r. Elias Ferkin Musuret

Happy, dir. Mara Cohn

Holding It Up with the Sztroes, dir. Hana Stroe

Last Year at the North Railway Station, dir. Marin Cumatrenco

Networking, dir. Marian Fărcuț

The Cherry on Top the Boeuf Salad, d. Matei Preda

Truth or Dare, dir. Simona Borcea


Outside competition


Three Kilometers to the End of the World, dir. Emanuel Pârvu
Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World, dir. Radu Jude
The Moromete Family: Life as Prey, dir. Stere Gulea – world premiere
Family Footage, dir. Dan Curean – world premiere
Magnificent Sky, dir. Alexandru Badea
Between Silence and Sin, dir. Diana Nicolae
Nasty, dir. Tudor Giurgiu, Tudor D. Popescu, Cristian Pascariu
Warboy, dir. Marian Crișan


Short films

Document 56,  dir. Christopher Landry
WTF Luci!, dir. Paul Radu
Don't Forget About Your Right!, dir. Cătălin Neamțu, Laura Georgescu Baron
Granny’s Got A Gun, dir. Ada Dumitru, Ana Ineni
Cameras Do Not Record Such Things, dir. Alexandru Solomon
Another Spring, dir. Claudiu Mitcu
Double of Nothing, dir. Mihai Pîrcălabu
Claudia (working title), dir. Adrian Sitaru
Nameless Existence, dir. Andy Lupu